About Me

Hi there! I’m Divyanshi Dhouni, the heart and soul behind ‘Her Better Space.’

I’m still that dreamer who started this blog two years ago, but now with a bit more wisdom and a lot more stories to share. My journey of designing my life has only just begun, and every day I find new ways of living life.

When I’m not pouring my heart into my blog, you’ll likely find me with my nose in a book, savoring some mouth-watering Indian food or enjoying a perfect cup of coffee. Because, let’s be real, who can resist?

My Story: Two Years Later

Since the last time I shared my story, so much has changed. What started as a part-time hobby quickly grew into a full-fledged love affair with words and self-expression.

The pandemic was a turning point for me. It was during those challenging times that I committed to self-development and stopped holding myself back. Perfection was no longer the goal; growth and happiness were.

How I’ve Grown

Over the past two years, I’ve developed a deeper understanding of the world of self-improvement and mental well-being. I’ve found meaningful ways to relax and become a happier, more fulfilled person. Each day, I strive to be better, not just for myself, but for all of you who join me on this journey.

‘Her Better Space’ has evolved into a community where I share real, experience-based tips on self-development and healthy living.

How ‘Her Better Space’ Can Help You

Real Self-Development Tips: I share practical advice and personal experiences to help you grow and thrive.
Healthy Lifestyle Tips: Discover the habits and routines that have transformed my life.
Learning: Learn about the latest digital media techniques and tools I’ve been mastering over the past three years.

I hope ‘Her Better Space’ continues to inspire you as much as it inspires me. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, let’s make every day a step towards a better, more fulfilling life!