morning self care routine

How To Include Self-Care In Morning Routine

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Adding self-care to your morning routine can really change how you feel all day long. If you are wondering how to include self-care in morning routine, this blog post is for you.

When you start your day with self care things like mindfulness, drinking water, and moving your body, it sets a positive vibe that sticks with you. 

These simple habits make your mind clearer and your mood better. Plus, these morning self care habits boost your energy and keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Doing these things every morning helps you build good habits. 

You’ll feel more focused, happier, and ready to handle whatever comes your way during the day. It’s not just about feeling good in the moment—it’s about creating a lifestyle that supports your well-being and helps you grow as a person.

So, take a little time each morning for yourself. You’ll be amazed at how much it can change your whole day for the better! Here are ways of incorporating self care into your morning routine.

How To Include Self-Care In Morning Routine

Start Your Day With Mindfulness or Meditation

It is a great way to center yourself and prepare for whatever comes your way. Here’s a simple way to begin:

Choose a spot where you can sit comfortably without distractions. It could be a corner of your room, a cozy chair, or even outside if you prefer nature.

Sit upright with your back straight but relaxed. You can cross your legs or sit in any position that feels natural and comfortable for you.

Close your eyes gently if it helps you relax. Begin to focus your attention on your breath. Notice the sensation of each inhale and exhale.

You can count your breaths if it helps you stay focused.

As you breathe, thoughts may come and go. That’s okay! Simply observe them without judgment. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath.

If you’re new to meditation, start with just a few minutes—maybe 5 or 10 minutes—to begin with.

Over time, you can gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

When you’re ready to finish, take a moment to acknowledge the time you’ve spent in mindfulness or meditation.

Take a deep breath and carry the sense of calm and focus with you as you move into your day.

Remember, the goal isn’t to stop your thoughts but to create a moment of peace and clarity. It’s a simple yet powerful way to set a positive tone for the rest of your day!

Read How To Wake Up Early In The Morning WIthout Feeling Sleepy

Hydrate Your Body 

Doing this first thing in the morning is a simple yet effective way to kickstart your day.

Prepare the night before, Keep a glass or bottle of water by your bedside before you go to sleep. This way, it’s ready for you as soon as you wake up.

As soon as you wake up, reach for your glass of water. Sip it slowly or drink it all at once—it’s up to you!

This helps to rehydrate your body after hours of sleep.

If plain water isn’t your thing, consider adding a slice of lemon, cucumber, or a splash of your favorite fruit juice for a burst of flavor.

Incorporate drinking water into your morning routine. Whether you do it while checking your phone, stretching, or meditating, find a time that works best for you.

Pay attention to how your body feels after hydrating. You might notice that you feel more awake and alert, ready to tackle the day ahead.

By making hydration a morning ritual, you’re not only starting your day on a healthy note but also setting yourself up for better energy and focus throughout the morning. Cheers to a hydrated start!

Incorporate Stretching or Yoga into Your Morning Routine

Dedicate 5-10 minutes in the morning for stretching or yoga. Find a quiet space where you can move freely without distractions.

Begin with gentle stretches to warm up your muscles. You can try reaching for the sky with both arms, touching your toes, or doing neck rotations to loosen up.

If you prefer yoga, start with basic poses like Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow, or Downward Dog. These poses stretch your muscles and improve flexibility.

Coordinate your movements with your breath. Inhale deeply as you stretch or move into a pose, and exhale as you release tension and deepen the stretch.

Pay attention to how your body feels. It’s normal to feel some tension, but avoid pushing yourself into discomfort. Modify poses as needed to suit your flexibility and comfort level.

Finish with a moment of relaxation or a brief meditation. Lie down on your back in Savasana (Corpse Pose) or simply sit quietly, focusing on your breath.

Consistency is key. Try to incorporate stretching or yoga into your morning routine regularly to reap the physical and mental benefits.

Whether you’re aiming to wake up your body or find a moment of peace, stretching or yoga can be a wonderful way to start your day feeling refreshed and centered.

Creating a Healthy Breakfast

It sets the tone for your day by providing essential nutrients and energy. 

Opt for whole grains like oats, whole wheat bread, or quinoa. These provide fiber for sustained energy and digestion.

Incorporate protein sources such as eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, or seeds. Protein helps keep you full and supports muscle repair and growth.

Add a serving of fruits and/or vegetables to your breakfast. Berries, bananas, spinach, or tomatoes are great options packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Include healthy fats like avocado, nut butter, or seeds. These fats support brain function and help keep you satisfied.

Avoid sugary cereals, pastries, or syrups. Opt for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup in moderation, or choose fruits for sweetness.

Pair your breakfast with a glass of water, herbal tea, or a small serving of 100% fruit juice to stay hydrated.

Prepare breakfast ingredients the night before if you have a busy morning. Overnight oats, pre-cut fruits, or boiled eggs can save time.

Aim for a balanced plate with a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber to keep your energy levels stable throughout the morning.

By prioritizing nutrient-dense foods and balancing your breakfast, you’ll nourish your body and mind, setting yourself up for a productive and energized day ahead.

Including a Skincare Routine

A morning skincare routine can be a refreshing way to start your day. 

Cleanse: Start by washing your face with a gentle cleanser. This helps remove dirt and oils that have built up overnight. Use lukewarm water and gently massage the cleanser onto your skin in circular motions. Rinse off and pat dry with a soft towel.

Moisturize: After cleansing, apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, there’s a moisturizer that’s right for you. Smooth it evenly over your face and neck to keep your skin hydrated and smooth throughout the day.

Sunscreen: Protect your skin by applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30, even if you’re indoors or it’s cloudy outside.

Sunscreen shields your skin from harmful UV rays and helps prevent premature aging. Apply it generously to all exposed areas, including your face, neck, and any other exposed skin.

Eye Care: If you use an eye cream or gel, gently dab a small amount around your eye area using your ring finger. This can help reduce puffiness and dark circles, keeping your eyes looking bright and refreshed.

Quick Tip: If you’re short on time, look for multi-tasking products like moisturizers with SPF or tinted sunscreen. They can simplify your routine while still protecting and nourishing your skin.

By making skincare a part of your morning routine, you’re not only taking care of your skin’s health but also starting your day feeling fresh and confident.

It’s a simple way to boost your skin’s natural glow and protect it from daily stressors.

Start 5- 10 Minutes Journaling Session

Journaling is a wonderful way to start your day with clarity and purpose. Here’s a simple guide to journaling in a friendly and easy manner:

Sit in a comfortable spot where you won’t be interrupted. It could be at your desk, on your bed, or anywhere you feel relaxed.

Reflect: Take a moment to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Write about how you’re feeling, any worries or excitement you have, or things you’re grateful for.

Set Intentions: Think about what you want to accomplish or how you want to feel during the day. Write down a few intentions or goals you’d like to focus on. These can be simple actions like staying positive, being present, or completing a task.

Write Freely: Don’t worry about grammar or structure. Let your thoughts flow naturally onto the paper. This is your private space to express yourself without judgment.

After writing, take a moment to read over what you’ve written. Visualize yourself achieving your intentions and reaffirm your commitment to them.

Try to journal at the same time each morning to establish a routine. Even just a few minutes of journaling can make a big difference in how you approach your day. Read my blog on How To Start Journaling

Journaling helps you gain clarity, reduce stress, and stay focused on what’s important to you. It’s a personal practice that can bring a sense of calm and direction to your daily life.

Practice Gratitude

Take a few minutes in the morning to sit quietly and focus on what you’re thankful for. It could be right after waking up, during breakfast, or whenever you have a moment to yourself.

Think about the things, people, or experiences in your life that bring you joy or comfort. These could be big or small—anything that makes you feel grateful.

Grab a journal, notebook, or even a sticky note. Write down three things you’re thankful for. They could be specific moments from the previous day, aspects of your life, or qualities in yourself or others.

As you write or mentally note these things, take a moment to truly feel the gratitude. Let yourself appreciate the positivity and goodness in your life.

Make gratitude a daily habit. Each day, try to find new things to be thankful for. This helps train your mind to focus on the positive aspects of life, even during challenging times.

If you feel comfortable, share your gratitude with others. It can inspire them to think positively and may even deepen your connection with them.

Practicing gratitude regularly can improve your overall well-being, reduce stress, and enhance your relationships. It’s a simple practice with profound benefits that can enrich your daily life.

Read 100 Things To Be Grateful For

Connect With Nature

Even if you do it for a few minutes each day, you can have a calming and refreshing effect on your mind and body. 

Find a quiet outdoor spot, whether it’s your backyard, a nearby park, or even a balcony. Being in natural surroundings can instantly lift your spirits.

Take slow, deep breaths and focus on the sensation of fresh air filling your lungs. This helps relax your body and clear your mind.

Notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Look at the trees, listen to birds singing, or feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.

Take a leisurely stroll if you have time, or simply find a comfortable place to sit and soak in the natural beauty. You can bring a book or just sit quietly and enjoy the moment.

Practice mindfulness by being fully present in the moment. Let go of worries about the past or future, and instead focus on the here and now.

Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and serenity of nature. Reflect on how it makes you feel and the positive impact it has on your well-being.

Try to incorporate outdoor time into your daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes. It can be a rejuvenating break from indoor activities and screens.

Connecting with nature doesn’t have to be complicated.

Whether it’s a short walk or simply breathing fresh air, spending time outdoors can refresh your mind and energize your spirit, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

Over To You

These are ways of how to include self-care in morning routine.

Incorporating self-care into your morning routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming.

These simple practices can help you start your day feeling balanced, energized, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

Find what works best for you and make it a habit to prioritize self-care every morning—it’s a small investment that pays off in a big way for your overall well-being!

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